Meet Your Media Specialists!

Mrs. Gauthia was a classroom teacher at the elementary level for 11 years. This is her second year as a media specialist. She has a B.A in Elementary Education from Spelman College and a M.Ed in Reading, Language, and Literacy from Georgia State University. She recently completed coursework for an Ed.S from the University of West Georgia. Mrs. G, as she is commonly referred to, lives in Canton with her husband. She enjoys reading, event planning, and rollerskating.

Ms. Trice taught in the classroom for 10 years and has been a Media Specialist since 2009.  She is currently attending University of West Georgia and is working on her Educational Specialist in Instructional Technology.  She loves travel and when she can not fly across the world she travels wherever she wants through grabbing a great book and escaping to another time and place!

Mrs. Cope has taught for 20 years and is excited to take on a new adventure as a media specialist. She attended the University of Georgia for her undergrad in English as well as her M.Ed. in English Education. She completed her Ed.S. from the University of West Georgia. She has two amazing daughters, a saint of a husband, two cats and a huge Wonder Woman collection.

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